Enema: What, Why, and How to Detox your Body at Home 2022

Benefits of Doing Enema

It is no secret that today you live in a highly polluted environment.  The everyday routine exposes your body to hazardous toxins. Despite the astonishing capabilities of the human body, it is not evolved enough to deal with this constant increase in Toxins.

As a result, when these accumulated toxins fail to get excreted from your body cause a Toxic Overload.

This Toxic Overload is a direct invitation to Digestive and Mental Health Troubles. Doing Enema at home with the help of Best Enema Kits detoxifies your intestines completely. In the initial stages of a toxic body, one may experience a runny nose, constipation, sore throat, and excessive urination.

As the toxic build-up increases, the changes aren’t only related to the body, an individual may have to deal with insomnia, depression, fatigue, and memory retention issues.

While it is true that if you make some dietary and lifestyle changes, you will see improvement but as mentioned before, these toxins are present all around you in many forms. Like in the air you breathe the food you eat and the drinks you take. Restricting their consumption would not be of much help.

This is where Medical Science steps in, through researches done in the past, Science found a simple and effective way to flush out these toxins from the human body.

What Is Enema?

Enema is a procedure where the liquid is injected through the rectum into the large intestines to cleanse all the foreign matter or toxins that are accumulated in the body. It stimulates, discovers, and examines bowel movements. The main purpose of an Enema is to cleanse out the toxins from the colon with the help of a simple external tool named Enema Kit.

In a simpler sense, an enema is primarily used as an effective solution for patients with severe constipation. Apart from that, Enema is also used to examine and treat the cause(s) of potential gastric anomalies. Even a healthy person can also adapt Enema as a preventive health care measure in order to stay healthy and disease-free.

10 Amazing Benefits and Reasons of doing Enema

Enema is beneficial in treating the root cause of all the diseases. The enema may not be the cure to any specific disease but it definitely has a strong effect on many chronic diseases. Here are the main benefits of doing Enema regularly

1. Treats Severe Constipation and Piles

Over 27% of the global population suffers from severe constipation, the sole root cause of all main diseases. If you are one of them and no remedy is giving you satisfactory results, an enema would be your best resort undoubtedly. 

Enema helps in strengthening your intestines and eliminates constipation in a few days. And also, enema is good news for those who are suffering from piles. It is extremely effective for piles relief.

2. Helps in treating Morning Sickness, Gas, Acidity and Heart Burn

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is an intestinal disorder mainly affecting the large intestine and colon. Common symptoms include Acidity, Gastric, Stomach ache, Nausea, and Bloating.

Enema assists in treating IBS by eliminating Gastronomical pathogens present in your stomach. Caused by viruses and bacteria, these pathogens are the primary reason behind your IBS symptoms. Take Enema at home to get relief from the medicines that you take for temporary gastric relief.

3. Detoxification or Colon Cleansing 

One of the major reasons to do an enema is for cleaning the harmful toxins from your colon without any side effects.

4. Maintains Liver Health

Some enemas (specifically Coffee Enemas) help maintain your liver health and cholesterol levels. Caffeine is easily absorbed by the veins of the lower bowel which is connected to the liver and gallbladder.

Enema stimulates the production of antioxidants having strong detoxifying effects which flush out the excess cholesterol in the liver. 

5. Treat Stomach Boils 

Many a time, a bacterial infection in your stomach can result in an abdominal abscess (boils). A cleansing enema is solely done to eliminate these harmful bacteria from your body, while not causing any irritation.  

6. Calms your mind from Anxiety & depression

The effects of an irritated bowel are not limited to your body. As mentioned in the beginning, a severe toxic buildup will result in causing anxiety, headaches as well as nervous ailments.

In a well-researched published report, it is mentioned that anxiety is deeply related to IBS or stomach disorders. An enema makes you feel light by helping your body in disposing of that extra weight of Toxins. Many people who take regular enemas reported total relief from anxiety, insomnia, and restlessness.

7. Treats Insomnia

Enema helps indirectly to fix your sleep pattern by evacuating the toxins from your body. When your body gets cleansed consistently then the bowel movements start to take place at regular intervals. The normal excretion makes you feel light and healthy inside which helps in secreting happy hormones. A healthy stomach leads to a healthy mind which in turn leads to healthy sleep.

8. Enema slows down aging

Yes, you have heard it right. After mentioning how enemas can be used to treat several ailments and disorders, it should not come as a surprise that Enemas helps with the production of antioxidants in your body. Thus, reducing the radical damage done by the external environment to your skin health.

It is obvious that if your body is detoxified and clean inside it shows up on your Outer body. No doubt you start feeling fresh, glowing, happy, and radiant.

9. Keeping Your Health in Check 

Enemas are also done to examine your gut health. It helps in discovering any abnormalities including Constipation, IBS, Boils, and Ulcerative colitis. Enema can be taken as preventive healthcare to avoid the invitation to any kind of disease.  

10. Other Benefits

Many health issues like Lack of Appetite, Frequent Headaches, Mouth Ulcers, Bad smell in the mouth, Cough, Skin disorders, etc. are eradicated by taking the right enema in the right way.

Types of Enemas

Enemas are primarily categorized based on why it is done, here are the four types of Enema:

Cleansing Enema (Effective, Easy, and safest Enema to Do at Home):

As the name suggests, cleansing enemas are performed to cleanse out your colon. Once injected, the fluid is to be held for a short period (maximum of 10 mins) until your body automatically flushes it out along with the fecal matter.

The solution primarily contains water mixed with one of the following elements

  • Fresh Water

This is the least irritating enema solution, as, in this, approximately 2 Quartz of plain tap water is injected into the rectum. After the solution is successfully inserted into the body, the patient needs to maintain that position for at least 10 mins, giving the colon time to expand and trigger bowel movements.

  • Warm Water

Some researchers claim that a hot water enema is better than a cold one. This may be because the cold water will result in the stool getting clenched together, causing even more discomfort. The warmth from using warm water helps in soothing any irritation around the anal region. Moreover, it will also help in relieving the muscles thus making space for the stool to flush out.

Note: The temperature of the warm water should not exceed 110F or 43C or you can keep it Lukewarm.

  • Honey

Honey has proven to be a good source for improving anti-oxidants. Moreover, it also reduces inflammation.

  • Neem Enema

Apart from salt and lemon juice, Neem is also a good alternative to cleanse out the colon. It helps in protecting the rectum by eliminating any bacterial and fungal infection.

  • Butter Milk

Buttermilk is a good source of probiotics (good bacteria present in your body). In Butter Milk enema, these probiotics are injected into the rectum. These help in eliminating bad bacteria as well as increasing the number of good bacteria in the colon.

  • Lemon Juice

Lemon is known for its ability to balance the body’s pH levels. Similarly, Lemon can be used with water to balance the PH of the colon, thus stimulating the body to defecate. It is important to be aware to not use this solution more than once a week as it may irritate the colon further.

  • Wheat Grass Juice

Wheatgrass is said to be a natural detoxifier. Generally advised to be done after a freshwater enema, it can provide loads of oxygen and nutrients needed to nourish the colon.

  • Salt Water

Saltwater enema is one of the easiest and most accessible homemade solutions. When salt mixed with water is induced in your system, it may cause slight irritation which in turn expands the colon, thus releasing the toxic matter.

Retention Enema

Retention Enema typically uses Oil-based solutions. It is closely related to Cleansing Enema, with the only key difference being that retention enemas are held for a longer period (Sometimes up to 24 Hours).

Some of the common ingredients used in Retention enema are:

  • Coffee
  • Herbs (Garlic, Chamomile and Raspberry leaves)
  • Mineral Oils

Barium Enema

Commonly known as a diagnostic enema, Barium Enema involves injecting barium elements into your rectum. Barium’s movement helps radiologists track the functioning of your organs through X-ray imaging. A barium enema is done to examine any abnormality in the large intestine including abdominal pain, bleeding in the rectum, diarrhea, etc.

Detoxifying Enema(Basti)

The roots of detoxifying enemas are linked to Ayurveda.

Ayurveda mentions that seasonal changes constantly alter the level of Tridoshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) and if not balanced, these doshas could immensely hinder human health.

One of the procedures to balance these doshas is mentioned as Basti. Basti is very similar to an Enema administration, except Basti is performed for full-body detoxification.

Steps to Prepare for Cleansing Enema at Home

In case of self-administrating the process, you should follow these guidelines prior to doing an enema:

  • Firstly, It is advised to get a hot oil massage to relax your muscles. This process is known as Oleation.
  • After that, One can move on to Fomentation. It includes the use of hot towels, hot bags or even taking a hot shower to loosen up the body.
  • One should also ensure that Environment is private and comfortable with all required things like Fresh Towels, Oils.

How to do Enema at Home with Enema Kit : Easy Instructions 2022

Although the process of doing an Enema is simple, if you don’t have any prior knowledge about this subject it’s better to consult a doctor for the first time. Afterward, you can do it by yourself easily & safely. This reduces the risks of an enema going wrong. Specific Enemas like a barium enema or retention enema are sole to be done in a clinic under medical supervision.

Enema at Home :

Before doing an enema at home for the first time, it is better to consult a doctor and ask them to prescribe a detailed guide on how to monitor it in the comfort of your home.

Here are some general guidelines you should follow while doing an enema:

Step 1- Find some private and comfortable space in your home, preferably a bit near to your washroom. Make sure that there should be an option to hook or keep the enema bag at least at the height of (3 ft ) or more.

Step 2- If you are not comfortable on the bed or not able to find a hook to hang on the enema bag at a required height. You can use Yoga Mat or some sheet on the ground for doing a comfortable enema by keeping your enema kit at your bed or any stool nearby. (Approx 3 feet above your buttocks ).

Step 3 – Once you have fixed the place for taking the enema then take out the enema pot from the kit and wash the enema pot or bag 2-3 times with plain filtered water.

Step 4 – After washing, fill the enema bag with 300 – 500 ml of lukewarm water. Now place it at a distance of 3ft or more than your buttocks. Ensure that the bag is tightly sealed and there are no air bubbles inside.

Step 5 – Lubricate the tip of the syringe with oil /ghee to make insertion more comfortable.

Step 6 – Get down on your both knees with your face touching the ground surface and butt in the air. The other option is to lie down on your bed or ground while flexing your right knee and extending the left knee.

Step 7 – Now slowly, inject the tip of the pipe into your anal region (up to 2 inches or 4 inches maximum).

Step 8 – Use the clamp to release the flow of water into your intestines. Initially allow the little amount of water at a slow speed and make sure to be easy with the flow.

Step 9 – After the enema bag gets empty into your intestines, carefully remove the tip from your anal and lie down on your side. Also, draw your knees to your chest.

Step 10 – Retain the liquid according to the enema you are doing. If it is a cleansing enema you may feel the urge to defecate immediately. But if you can easily hold the water inside then take a walk for 10 -12 minutes and then evacuate.

Step 11 – If in case you are not able to take the whole water contained in the enema bag & hold it then you can take small amount of water and hold it for short time. Then , repeat the step 5 to 10 to take the remained water in the enema bag.

Step 11 – Once you are done with the whole process you should wash the insertion tip and the enema bag with hot water and soap.

Note: It’s advised never to forcefully hold the enema if your body’s reflexes say otherwise. Moreover, slight discomfort is common but if you are experiencing pain, consult a medical professional immediately.

Precautions – To avoid Potential Risks while doing Enema:

Though Enemas are generally safe if done at home in the right way. You should take proper knowledge before doing it yourself otherwise some of these complications may arise.

1.   Your rectum might get irritated due to the use of water that is extremely hot or cold. The water to be used should always be lukewarm.

2.   Do not Introduce more liquid than required. This liquid may stay in your body even after defecating. So be careful!

3.   Do not Insert the syringe too deep (more than 4 inches) start from 2 inches or 3 if you are comfortable. Otherwise, it may cause perforation i.e. the intestine may get punctured causing you to bleed.

4.   Unsterilized equipment can cause an infection. Make sure to properly sterilize them before and after use.

How often to take enema?

Performing an enema on daily basis may weaken your intestinal muscles making you dependent on enemas to flush out stool. Moreover, overdoing it can mess up your electrolytes while disturbing the natural microflora of your gut. So, try to do it once a week for 3 weeks, then once a month then once in two months or as per your physician’s advice for your medical condition.

What is the Best time in a day to take enema?

After your morning bowel movement you can take enema. It is not necessary to take the enema in the morning.You can take enema anytime during the day but make sure to keep a 3 hours gap between the meal and enema.

What Can You Expect After An Enema?

A rightly done Enema cleanses your colon, resulting in one to two bowels movements in a day. You could have a warm bath to relax your muscles. For a few days after an enema, you should have a light meal. Besides that, the doctor may advise drinking more water and avoiding unnecessary movements.

If you do not see results, consult your doctor. In some cases, you may have to redo the enema.

Conclusion :

Suppressing the toxins in the body by taking medications is not at all a good idea. Enema is a safe and effective one-time measure for flushing hazardous toxins from your body. Focus on having homemade meals and a simple lifestyle. If your body is not able to excrete these harmful toxins by itself, an enema would be the best option. Talk to your doctor and go for this natural detoxification without any second thought.


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