About me

Hello, never it came to my mind that I will ever write any article or blog. Nagging to start writing, started to build up. Fortunately, the URL was available, and got it registered! Now that was “Herbs for Soul” inception!

What motivated me to create Herbs for Soul was Journey to my own Health and sharing that Simple key to Health with as many people.

I faced many Health Issues in the past few years. At home, Office, get-togethers people used to call me Medicine factory. I always used to carry tablets, supplements, test reports, and my hospital visits were a minimum of twice a month. I was frustrated & tired of this kind of lifestyle. In the year 2014, I decided to get out of this medicine web and get hold of my Health.

I started reading Ancient Vedas of Nutrition, Health Articles, Watched Documentaries, Health Books, Guides, Subscribed Journals, Videos and whatever came across which could assist me to cure my health. Not only this, later I joined Naturopathy Degree Course as well to get the deep-down knowledge of What is Health, the Body mechanism, the Study about food, Study about mind and Soul from all aspects.

Over the period people started coming to me to discuss their family health issues. I started sharing the knowledge and experience that I gathered which proved to be very helpful for them and gradually I shifted from my core competency Area of Creativity to Health Care. If I could help people living healthy life and bringing smiles to faces, it would be a pure achievement for me and HerbsForSoul.

And trust me after a lot of research, Study and Experience what I get to understand is that Life is very Simple and being Healthy is even Simpler.   

“Knowledge not shared remains unknown”― Chris Graben stein.